Plasma Fibroblast
skin rejuvenation
Plasma skin tightening is a brand-new treatment that drastically improves appearance without cutting, burning, or removing excess skin or fat. It’s a wonderful treatment for rejuvenating problem areas like the eyes, lip or neck areas. A single session quickly tightens sagging skin and minimizes the appearance of fine lines, removing years from your entire neck, face and other areas of the body that may be of concern.
Plasma fibroblasting treatments operate on the basis of ionized gas in the air. When oxygen and nitrogen are combined at the correct distance from the skin, electrostatic energy creates the plasmatic effusion or arc, which discharges onto the skin. This plasma arc will cause your skin to contract and will activate fibroblasts, which are the cells in charge of producing collagen, without actually touching the skin.
Prior to beginning the procedure, a local anesthetic cream will be applied to ensure your comfort. When dealing with the treated area, you should expect a small amount of swelling, which typically goes away within 3 or 4 days. At each treatment site, tiny circular carbon crusts will form; they will slough off after a few days, but it might take up to a week for them to disappear completely. After-care balms accelerate the healing process and decrease the risk of infection. You will have more luminous, youthful skin after the skin has healed.

lasting beauty
One treatment is normally sufficient to achieve the results you’re looking for because the results of this treatment are remarkable and lasting. If you desire a better result, you can repeat the treatment after 3 months. Subsequent treatments are only possible as you get older because it’s a permanent condition. The effects, like any surgery, are not permanent and will not stop the aging process. However, the results should last for several years. The positive results of the Plasma Fibroblast treatment will be noticeable almost immediately after the first treatment and will last for four weeks.
After your session, you can return to your regular activities. The carbon crusts should not be picked, peeled, or pulled; instead, you should wait for them to slough off naturally. In addition to the recommended aftercare products, the treated area should be kept free of all makeup, mascara, creams, and lotions. To prevent bacteria buildup, wash the area twice daily with mild soap and lukewarm boiled water.
After your treatment, you should expect some swelling to last one to five days. Normally, recovery times are shorter than this. This is a normal reaction that occurs during the initial stages of skin healing and restoration.

Start Your Journey
CandiBrows is located in Fresno, California by the Sierra Bicentenial Park.